
Are Betting System For Me?

If You’ve made it this far, you’ve undoubtedly come across the term “betting system” at some point.

The purpose of these systems is to give you an edge over the casino, and consequently get you in the green.

With the Internet simply reeking of these alleged guaranteed winning systems, with only a small number of them working (hint: they’re the free ones!), there are certain things to consider before using one.

As far as cons are concerned, nearly all betting system fall victim to the table limits. The table limits were actually put in place after too many people started doing the “doubling when you lose” trick.

The modern betting systems attempt to remedy this, but they can only do this to a degree. In essence, all betting systems will have you raise to recoup your losses. A losing streak is all it takes to seriously drain your bankroll.

Casinos don’t take kindly to people who win too much, so even if your betting system works, you running the risk of being banned and having your funds confiscated – and you don’t want that.

It’s not all bad though. A working betting system can really beef your pocket up – as long as you’re careful, and well, lucky. As long as you don’t have too bad of a losing streak, there are quite a few systems that will really work for you. I’m referring to the LaBouchere and Fibonacci betting systems, so look these up. They’re not all that simple, but once you get the hang of it, it’s definitely better than placing random bets.

Using a betting system also keeps you in check in terms of how you manage your money when you gamble. In general, casinos want to detach you from your money – Yes ladies and gentlemen, that’s why they make us use chips. When you use a betting system, your forced to bet in measured amounts, allowing you keep better track of your balance.

Overall, it’s really up to you – are you ready to cancel out all the fun in gambling by following a fixed pattern? Risk being banned? That’s definitely something to consider.