Casino Articles

Casino Articles

Betting has been a favorite pastime for man for a long time now. The art of betting and gambling have almost transformed into a cult down the ages. People, irrespective of their sexes, have been attracted to puzzles and mysteries and loved guessing the result of random events just like that. Everybody loved guessing the unknown! Soon guessing got related to money and prize winning. This unsatiated spree continued since then!

No matter what the age group of the players, the love for gambling has always remained at an all time high. People love facing with challenging situations. Finally, the newest version of the fling has re-emerged in the form of Online Gambling. Gambling today has grown into an entire industry on the net with a universal appeal and popularity. takes pride in introducing you to this exciting industry.

Beat the Casinos to Win More!

You may not make it to Las Vegas or the Atlantic City all the time, but your choices are unlimited with the online gambling industry just a click away! But then, one thing about the casinos that has continued to worry people for ages is why it is so that men win sometimes and lose during others? What is it that determines luck or a fortune? Finally, is it at all possible to beat the house?

The House Edge

It is a well-known fact that the house actually has a marginally better percentage than the gamblers. Besides, there are a host of other reasons that contribute to this unequal ratio. Online Casino Reviewed takes all the pleasure in introducing some of those tedious causes:

Yes, everyone knows that the house has slightly better percentages than the players but that is not the main reason why they come out ahead.

Factors that Distract

Here’s an Online Casino Reviewed special list of reasons that hinder your fair chance of grabbing a win at the casino. A detailed understanding of a few of these can help beating the casinos to win more. Go ahead and take a look.

The trope of free alcohol. The casinos gladly serve you with free alcohol because as you get a little tipsy your reasoning power is dulled and hence you are more prone to take stupid decisions.

The purposeful and manipulative ringing of the slot machines and the rounds of cheering and applause by the crowds give you a false hope that somebody must be winning and soon you will as well. But then didn’t you ever wonder why didn’t you actually win even once?

With an innovative lighting the brick and mortar casinos create a forced atmosphere where time becomes immaterial. Especially you will never find a clock within a casino. This is a unique trope that the casinos use to make you play longer and longer.

But thanks to Online Casino reviewed all these hidden tropes are now known to you so that you can stand at your own guard. Now you know exactly what to look or and when to watch out while playing inside a casino. The Online Casino Reviewed wishes you all the best so that you can beat the casinos to win more and win a fortune.

Watch out for a Phenomenal Success at the Casino!

Online Casino Reviewed is all set to inform you about the success strategies of making it big at the casinos. These might not be entirely new to you, but after reading the page, you’ll definitely not leave without thanking our site. So, are you all set to go on this joyride that will teach you how to watch out for a phenomenal success at the casino?

Preparing for a Win

The points discussed below help you prepare for a winning success at the casino:

Knowledge and preparation for facing a machine are the two indispensable elements that contribute to the missing link between a win and a bet at the casino and gambling in general. Education is learning something and preparation is being able to take into account all the variables that affect your results and finally enable you to counteract them. May be, you have learned how to choose a particular video poker machine. But when you actually get to the casino, there are a few machines left for you to choose from. Hence, all you do is, wait.

Now, if you are not in a mood to face this annoying delay, perhaps you start dropping quarters into a nearby machine while you wait for your desired machine. And even before you sense it, your bankroll is blown. So then how to deal with such situations? The Online Casino Reviewed tells you all about how you can prepare for these events that derail your winning plans to the fullest. Now that can include anything from hitting the casino in the middle of the night when you can have your desired pick of the machines to playing at your own sweet time.


If that’s not done, you will have to restrict yourself strictly to decide on waiting for half an hour. If still the machine you want doesn’t start up, then you simply leave without wagering at all. Or else go for blackjack for the day. Hit the table and brush up your blackjack skills checking it there without hanging on to this place that seems to be going the other way!

The Online Casino Reviewed gives you a supreme bottom line in this case. It is better to have a plan when going to the casino. It would also be good if you can manage a back up plan as that will be a double safeguard to the blowing up of your bankroll just because your preliminary plan did not work out.

Now if Online Casino Reviewed takes you to be one of those smart gamblers who take this education seriously, you are the one who will profit. It is better to believe Online Casino Reviewed when we say that there are tons of folks who regularly run into the casino expecting to lose a few hundred bucks for sure. And unfortunately, it is exactly what they do and these are a bunch of people who are neither educated nor prepared. But you are better than them, isn’t it? So take it up with online Casino Reviewed and close the gap between a win and the casino house edge while you learn all about online gambling.